Friday 25 May 2012

Day 127

We dropped the dream feed and he woke up at 1.30am for a bottle then slept till 6.45am. Result!!

He had a huge breakfast too, baby rice with apple and strawberry puree. I'd made a massive portion by accident and he had all but 5-6 spoons of it. All he wanted to do was walk around the living room breaking my back after that, little menace.

I'm so hot today that I cannot be bothered to mess about in the kitchen so we've all lived on sandwiches or, in Morgan's case, jar food today lol. He had turkey sunday lunch, he wasn't that interested but still managed to eat about half the jar followed by a little bit of fruit puree.

We'd been out about 4 times for various little errands by lunch time so they were both fed up of being wheeled around in the pushchair and just wanted to play or run around. Little lady decided it was time to dance when we got home and little man desperately wanted to join in but settled for stamping on the spot. I have 2 scrummy adorable children who make me belly laugh every day!

I gave Morgan lamb and rosemary with veggies for dinner and he did really well. Had 3/4 of the jar and half a portion of chocolate blancmange that little lady demanded we make up during sirs nap.

He's refused his bedtime bottle this evening so I imagine we are in for an interesting night!


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