Tuesday 1 May 2012

Day 103

Just the 1 wake up from Morgan last night, I was quite impressed as I expected him to be a complete nightmare after yesterdays antics.

He had a really good breakfast, half a weetabix, and has been happy this morning. Well, until I tried to put him down for a nap. Not sure if I just tried to put him down too early or he really has a problem with his cot. He napped in his pushchair instead as I took the babies over to the library for story time.

Morgan was so much happier after his nap and had chicken pasta bake and chocolate semolina for lunch. Lots of giggles, smiles and playing, it was really lovely having my happy baby back. He ate really well too, all the pasta bake and half the semolina.

I gave little man lamb stew for dinner, he had all but a few spoons and then had half an apple and blackcurrant fruit pot.

We shall see tomorrow if this cold is really on its way out.


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