Friday 25 May 2012

Day 126

Once again sir woke up at 4am for a bottle and wasn't interested in breakfast. I think it may be time to drop the dream feed at last, woo hoo!! I really loathe that bottle as 1 of us has to stay up late and there's still a night feed to cover usually.

We went to my mums today, she lives just over an hour away from us and we haven't been for quite a while. Both babies had a sleep in the car on the way there and woke up in very good moods once they saw their nana. Needless to say they were both spoilt rotten and had all the attention they could get. I learnt that Morgan wants to be up on his feet and walking around holding onto your fingers. He was so happy wandering around that it does explain why he's been so tearful recently, he's been bored. Ah, mummy guilt kicks in again!!!Di

Before we left Morgan was offered weetabix for breakfast, he had a few spoons then refused to eat anything. He slept through till lunch time, skipping a snack, but didn't eat as well as I expected. He had about half his salmon, sweet potato and spinach then quarter of a fruit pot. It's hot again today though so I imagine that's having an affect on his appetite still.

Dinner was chicken, veggies and pasta then chocolate rice pudding. He had maybe half of each one. He just isn't hungry at the moment.

I am a little concerned about his fluid intake though as he's not drunk much today. He doesn't seem dehydrated but he probably should be drinking more.


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