Thursday 10 May 2012

Day 112

I blog too soon! Little man woke up for a feed at 4am lol! Ah well, one day he'll sleep through consistently.

Once we were all up and awake, my babies take after me in that they need a good half an hour to wake up fully in the morning and till then you get the silent treatment or grunts in answer to any conversation, we all had some brekkie together. Morgan had banana porridge today along with a biscuit, a pancake and a bit of banana. I was really pleased he had a few bites of banana as until now the texture has put him off.

Lunch was fun, we all had some chicken curry with rice and poppadoms together. It was Morgans first real taste of curry and he really loved it, so much so he was straining at the high chair straps to get at each spoonful. Bless him!! He had chocolate semolina afterwards, he must have thought mummy was feeling extra kind today as he was wide eyed at how yummy all his food was. He does make me chuckle!

The 3 of us had a relaxed day today, no need to get up and rush out the door for anything so we just wandered to the supermarket for some essentials after lunch then a friend and her little girl came over to play. It was really sweet seeing the 2 toddler girls and baby boy have dinner together. Morgan had pork and rice followed by apple, strawberry and blueberry puree. Again he ate really well, I was a bit surprised after all he'd eaten at lunch time.

He's still being a menace over bottles and tends not to drink anything until after sunset. Even his bedtime bottle is being refused. I'm now fretting he's not having enough formula each day and trying to reassure myself that he's doing fine and has plenty of milk alternatives in his diet. I really should ring the dietitian or health visitor just to be sure, one day I'll get the courage to contact them.


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