Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 56

My little man is a little menace! I made him 4 grain porridge with apple and raspberry this morning. He didn't seem that interested but was slowly eating it. That is, until he managed to grab hold of the bowl and tip it out of my hand onto the floor! I'd forgotten how far an upturned bowl of baby food can go, especially once it hits the wall...

At lunch time I managed to keep the little menace away from the bowl of chicken, sweet potato, squash and cauliflower and he ate quite a bit. I did have a flash back to feeding DD at his age as I had to use the 'spoon of chicken, spoon of pud, spoon of chicken...' technique as he was starting to get a little fussy. Pudding was apple and raspberry puree left over from this morning, I used a shop bought fruit pot as raspberries can be messy to deal with and I've spent so much time in the kitchen recently I think I deserve a little time off.

By dinner time DH was home so Morgan was fed lamb stew by his daddy. He had to resort to switching between pud and main again but we got there in the end. I blitzed a banana with apple juice for his pud, it seemed to make a smoother, but runnier, puree and he ate it happily.

His eczema has improved on his elbow creases, face and neck, but behind his knees looks sore and I've found a patch between his toes of all places. If the improvement continues tomorrow then it may well be the pear that's aggravating it. Part of me hopes not but it does seem to be an easy fix if so.


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