Monday 11 June 2012

Day 143

He slept in his cot all night! No screaming for mummy, a bottle or because he was soaked from a dodgy nappy. I'm probably going to have a few rough nights just to make up for it lol. I thought I'd try tesco nappies after the last 2 brands failed and I'm amazed they may be the solution. I had to buy active fit ones for the day and ultra absorpbant for overnight but whatever works I suppose.

Once I was woken up by a little man giggling because his toes had disappeared (baby sleeping bags are my saviour with my wriggly little sleepy baby), we went downstairs in search of breakfast. Sir had banana porridge, dry cheerios and managed to get his hands on one of my hot cross buns, so he ate really well!!

He slept well before lunch and woke up hungry as he had missed snack time. I gave him chicken curry with rice and some popadoms. He did really well, possibly because he was distracted with crushing popadoms and sprinkling them everywhere.

After lunch my babies treated me to half an hour of hysterical laughter as they played peek a boo with each other. It was gorgeous watching them. They really do love each other, until one takes the others toy, its all out war after that lol.

Dinner was chicken pasta bake and he had it all. I offered him apple and blueberry puree afterwards but after a few spoons he gave up. His little tummy was bloated where he was so full :-)

With any luck the change of nappies will help him to sleep a bit better again tonight. I'll soon find out though.


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