Saturday 9 June 2012

Day 141

Mini man had an awful night, he didn't wake up but kept crying in his sleep. Is it possible for babies to have bad dreams at this age???? He isn't poorly and doesn't seem to be teething so not sure what was wrong. By 1am I had enough of getting up to him every half hour so brought him into our bed. He slept better with us but still kept crying out every hour or 2. He finally woke up at 7am and seemed happy but tired.

We have changed his gaviscon to being in his bedtime bottle instead of the 11pm feed and if he has a night feed  we put some in that too. It seems to have helped yesterday as he had no hiccups or any telltale swallowing/gulping noises. Fingers crossed it carries on although I wish I knew what had triggered it.

Breakfast today was banana porridge. He ate virtually all of it despite trying to duel with me using a spoon! 
We popped over to see another friend of mine who has a little boy 5 weeks younger than Morgan after brekkie. Her son is so sweet, he's also a chilled little fella compared to my feisty boy. Morgan wants to get up and run around/grab hold of anything nearby/pull my hair/smear soggy biscuit over me, whereas her son is happy to sit down and play. I get the impression Morgan is going to be a handful of a toddler very soon!!! It was lovely catching up with her, it's been a while since we last met up so it was amazing to see how much the boys had changed.

We left at lunch time as sir had refused a sleep and was kicking up a stink! He sparked in the car and slept for an hour. He woke up very hungry and ate all his chicken casserole plus half a fruit pot. 

For dinner, little man had some of the chicken pasta bake I'd made earlier in the day. I have tweaked my recipe and he loved it. I gave him a huge bowlful but he had a good go at it. He was a bit full afterwards so only had a few spoons of his custard. 

He was ok after his bedtime bottle again, so we'll keep up the gaviscon for now and see what happens.


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