Saturday 9 June 2012

Day 142

Sir didn't wake for a bottle, instead he tried to get me up at 6am so guess where he ended up sleeping for 2 hours. 6am is just an offensive time to be cried at!

Breakfast today was mini pancakes and strawberry and banana porridge. Morgan really took to the pancakes, he actually ate them this time instead of screwing them up and throwing them on the floor. He also ate about half his cereal.

Lunch was lamb roast. I think he found it a bit bland as he just wasn't interested in it, he very slowly ate less than half the bowl but was quick to eat all his rice pud afterwards. I can see myself having to tweak the lamb roast recipe now his tastes have changed, good thing I enjoy cooking!

After lunch the 3 of us went to see a hairdresser, only my toddler girl and me actually had our hair cut can I stress! Morgan decided halfway through he wanted a nap so I ended up with him on my lap while the poor woman tried to work around him pulling handfuls of my hair and wriggling around on my knee. All credit to her, she managed it somehow!!!

I made a roast chicken dinner but it all went wrong. The yorkshire puddings were soggy, DH insists his carrots were hard although everyone elses were fine and madam refused to eat anything other than 1 roast potato. Morgan did well, I blitzed down some roast potato, chicken, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower and a spoon of gravy then gave him some finger food too. He really enjoyed it. The cauliflower on his tray was immediatley thrown on the floor but he happily tried the rest and ate the puree. He had half a fruit pot for pud.


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