Friday, 30 March 2012

Day 71

Famous last words at the end of yesterdays blog, we had a horrid nights sleep. Both my babies are coming down with something. DD has a raised temperature and has been crying out frequently all night. Little man was ok till about 3am when he woke up with a nappy full of nastiness, then couldn't settle again till about 5am. Both little menaces were up again at about 7.30 ready for their breakfast.

I gave Morgan instant porridge again but he wasn't too interested in eating, he really just wanted a bottle. I've been offering him finger foods all morning but he just doesn't have much appetite. I rang the doctors in the end and managed to get an appointment. When he was examined, I was told his chest is clear but he does have an upper respiratory infection. The mucus he is swallowing because of the infection has caused the change in his bowel  habits but it should be better in a few days. Poor baby boy.

Before lunch we dosed Morgan up with infant paracetamol as he was getting a little tearful. Once it kicked in his appetite was raging. I heated up some lamb stew, which he ate all of, and gave him some rice pudding for afters which he really enjoyed. Funnily enough he refused his bottle and had a lovely sleep after all that food lol.

Dinner was more eventful, about a third of the way through his bowl of chicken, tomato and veggies, he decided he'd had enough and starting screaming. He was inconsolable for a few minutes and I can still only assume it was just because he felt poorly. Once he settled down I tried him on some custard and he had about half the bowl.

I'm hoping today is his worst day as he has been so upset and snuffly all day. He's also struggling to breathe when he lays flat as all the snot and mucus builds up, so he will be spending the night reclining in his bouncer chair I'm afraid. Fingers crossed he feels a bit better tomorrow, though no doubt it will be my little lady's turn to be a poorly baby.


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