Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day 59 (Mothers day!)

What a luxury it was to wake up to find both my babies had already been fed by their daddy and they had brought breakfast in bed up for me. Lush!!

I'm reliably informed that Morgan ate half a rusk mixed with formula for breakfast and his sister had 5 mini pancakes with lemon and sugar. I have no idea what carnage was caused or how many objections were raised by any party and in all fairness, today I don't need to know lol.

We got back home a little late for lunch so I heated up some lamb stew again for sir. His daddy had another go at feeding him but quickly gave up as he was kicking up such a fuss. Enter the mummy! After he calmed down he had the entire bowl again, although as he was sitting on my lap for most of his meal I have to admit we were both wearing a fair bit of it. I'd made up some custard with oat milk for his pud and mixed in some apple and strawberry puree. He was unimpressed and pulled some excellent faces every time I got a spoonful in his mouth. I will try him again but without the fruit as I have a feeling it may have been a bit sweet for him.

Dinner was the dreaded lentils and it's safe to say he no longer likes them. After a few spoons he refused to eat anything at all, but once he realised he was being offered banana and apple instead he was unstoppable and had almost an entire fruit pot. I'll be throwing the rest of the lentil puree away then...


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