Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day 57

Breakfast today was a rusk mixed with milk. I forgot to give him half a rusk to hold but he wasn't fussed as he ate all of it anyway. He was full of smiles and gigglies over brekkie, I love it when he's in such a good mood first thing, always feels like a good omen for the day.

Lunch was chicken and veggies, nana arrived in time to feed him. It was very sweet watching them giggle and pull faces at each other, I think I was the only one that saw the funny side when he tried to over turn the bowl into her lap though lol. Afterwards, Morgan had an apple and strawberry fruit pot. Nana handed the spoon to me at that point! He really liked it and ate half the pot. I will be keeping a close eye on him though as strawberry allergies are that uncommon althouh there are none in our family.

I  have discovered what a meat-a-saurus my son is today!!! He was disgusted at being offered butterbeans and veggies for dinner and barely ate any, he was much more enthusiastic over his pudding of banana puree though. I will keep trying with meat alternatives as I think it does him good to have lentils, etc, in his diet.

His eczema on his elbow creases seem much better, really can't be sure if its the pear or not so will keep witholding it for now.


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