Sunday, 4 March 2012

Day 45

Not the greatest of days and nights for us all. I was up 4 or 5 times during the night to both of them, their daddy took over the 2nd half of the night and had Morgan disturbing him every hour or so. Very tired and I have their cold just to top it off.

Because of his cold, little man has very little appetite again. He had a little bit of porridge for brekkie but not much. I've been offering him cooled boiled water in a lidded cup between meals to try and keep his fluids up. I was amazed how quickly he twigged how to use it unaided and he makes chuckle when he takes a sip as he looks appalled at the taste yet still goes back for more.

I made up some butterbeans with veggies for lunch, when pureed it came up quite thick so I added some of his water to thin it out. He seemed to enjoy it although he didn't have much again.

Like yesterday, Morgan really liked dinner for some reason. Seems like not eating much during the day catches up with him and he is really hungry by 4pm. He had carrot, broccoli and cauliflower and ate most of it. I'm starting to consider introducing supper before bed, may help him sleep??


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