Saturday, 3 March 2012

Day 44

Horrible horrible night with my angelic little monsters. Between them I was up 5 times so only had about 3 hours sleep. They both seem to be coming down with colds so the next few days should be bags of fun...

Morgan hasn't got much appetite today, wasn't really bothered about banana porridge for his breakfast or the sweet potato, carrot, broccoli and cauliflower puree that was his lunch. By dinner time he seemed to pick up a little and ate all the carrot, courgette and baby rice I'd prepared, although it was a smaller portion than normal. I was contemplating introducing puddings now but think I'll judge that one once he's feeling better.

On the plus side, his bottom is so much better. All the rash and redness has almost gone, the broken skin is no longer bleeding and starting to heal. I keep leaving him to roll around with no nappy on, he thinks its brilliant, especially when he manages to pee over the side of the waterproof sheet onto the carpet!!


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