Thursday, 1 March 2012

Day 42

Well I can honestly say I've never cried over changing a nappy until today. Morgans slight nappy rash has become horrendous, blistered and broken skin, changing his nappy has him in hysterics and I cried with him. My poor little boy. He has been prescribed cream so hopefully he will be more comfortable tomorrow. Having spoken to the dietician and doctor, we've agreed to switch him back to pepti and try nutramigen again when his bottom is all clear. It may be that as his poo has become less solid since changing formula that the nutramigen is the reason it's happened. There is also a chance its a complete coincidence so we'll try again another time.

Again Morgan didn't really want his banana porridge, I certain its the taste of nutramigen in his food as when I took it away and offered apple and banana puree he tucked in happily.

I gave little man cauliflower, broccoli and carrot for lunch and he really liked it. Lots of gummy smiles and giggles while eating. He also seems to understand that when he sees the spoon coming he needs to open his mouth, I don't have to touch his lips with the spoon anymore. Little things and all that lol.

By 4pm Morgan was being a little vocal over how hungry he feels so I offered him pear, squash and baby rice. 1 clean bowl and a happy boy later, calm was restored to our home. Minutes later I found my toddler girl and got hold of a spoon from somewhere and was feeding little man from his bowl which I had foolishly left within reach, he was delighted to be getting the tiny little dregs from round the edge of the bowl and his big sister had a triumphant look on her little face. I couldn't help but laugh bless them.


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