Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Day 67

I have 2 very tired and irritable babies today. I can understand it after yesterdays fun and games, I'm tired too!

Breakfast was 4 grain porridge and a spoon of fruit puree. Being so tired he wasn't very keen but had a little bit. He much prefered the finger of toast I gave him with it and spent most of the time pulling it apart and throwing it on the floor. Little monster. Later in the morning Morgan was kicking up a fuss as he was hungry, 'you should have eaten some breakfast then child' was my first thought, I think he liked my second thought of 'oh ok, have a biscuit then if it shuts you up' lol. He devoured a rich tea finger in record time, thats my boy :-)

I made up some chicken, potato and veggies for sirs lunch, he was much more enthusiastic despite having a biscuit. I also gave him some sticks of cooked carrot to chew on but he didn't really get on with them, he would take a bite and chew but then spat it all back out again. His puree went down a treat though.

Dinner was lamb stew, he always does well with lamb so I thought I'd make it easier on myself by offering a favourite as we are all so tired today. I was right to do so as he had most of the bowl and happily had most of a fruit pot afterwards.

I've got some mince out to make bolognase tomorrow, I fairly sure he'll like it, I just have concerns about pasta as it seems to be something you either love or hate and he really isn't one for textures.


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