Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Day 62

It's been an eye opening day for me. I was sat at a playgroup with 2 other mummy friends who both have babies 2-3 weeks older than Morgan, all 3 babies were sat up in a little circle playing with toys when one of my friends handed out some biscotti. I knew Morgan couldn't have any, so I watched as his baby friends were happily eating biscotti and realised I'd missed a trick here. I had a packet of my toddler girls carrot flavour crispy corn snacks in my hand so I gave him one. He munched, crunched and gummed the life out of it, then when he only had the bit left in his fist he burst into tears as he thought it had all gone. I really have underestimated him and I'm so sorry for it. Tomorrow will be a finger food adventure for my little man!

I gave Morgan pear and baby rice for breakfast as I'm still undecided if pear makes his eczema worse. His elbow creases are still clear but the backs of his knees are a little worse.

Lunch was beef casserole and he really liked it. He didn't have much but it was quite a filling dinner and he's still teething so he's off his food a little. I gave him a couple more of the crispy corn snacks with his lunch and they went down a treat. Afterwards he had apple, strawberry and blueberry but again didn't eat much. He was very tired at this point and went down for a nap soon afterwards.

I've had to offer sir salmon again for dinner, I really need to sort out another puree as he's had all the chicken one I'd made. I've got some chicken, cauliflower, broccoli, etc, so will throw something together for tomorrow. He wasn't fussed with dinner but again he hadn't slept for very long so was quite tearful. He had a good go at the apple and banana afterwards though.


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