Monday, 19 March 2012

Day 60

He slept through!!! I'm amazed!!! And he didn't even wake up screaming for some breakfast, he was quite happy playing with his feet and giggling. Best alarm clock I've ever heard :-D

I thought I'd reintroduce pear today, so gave him pear and baby rice for breakfast and Morgan was delighted. He ate the bowlful and had a little bit of formula afterwards, then he went back to playing with his feet and giggling at his hands. Such a happy little man.

Lunch was salmon, sweet potato and spinach. I fully expected to have to throw it away and find something else but he tucked in happily, I didn't even need to do the spoon of main, spoon of pud trick. Afterwards I gave him custard, he looked a bit stunned after the first mouthful but then he sat and ate quite a bit. It probably helps that I've dug out DD's old highchair toys and he was playing with them during lunch. While I think it's a good thing to try and focus your child on just the food during meals, their concentration span is very limited so I believe in using whatever necessary to encourage little ones to eat! So far during our weaning journey Morgan has eaten while playing with a spoon, my necklace, my hair, highchair toys, a packet of wet wipes and with a carrier bag containing books (I did feel guilty about the carrier bag but it couldn't reach his face as it was weighed down and I was always with him!!)

For his dinner, little man had chicken and veggies followed by apple and strawberry fruit pot. The chicken went down ok, the fruit pot was far more successful though. I fear he has his mothers sweet tooth.


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