Saturday, 10 March 2012

Day 51

Busy, long and tiring day. DD's terrible 2's are really here, I've spent most of the day saying "stop that" , "put it back" and "leave your brother alone" between dealing with tears and tantrums from both my tired babies. These colds have really taken their toll on them both.

Morgan didn't wake for a feed during the night, which is great on one hand but really messed up breakfast on the other. He woke up hungry just before 6am and had a bottle, so by the time his normal breakfast time of 8.30 rolled round he wasn't paticularly hungry. To try and get him back in his routine I made up some banana porridge and a bottle, in all fairness he did eat a little brekkie but not a huge amount but didn't have any of the bottle which was no surprise.

Trouble was, by lunch time he was really hungry. As I was heating his lentils, squash, sweet potato and spinach he completely lost his temper. I always find that hard to deal with because I can't hold him and prepare his lunch as he tends to thrash about or pull away from me so I need 2 hands and leaving him screaming and crying in his bouncer breaks my heart and just makes him worse. In the end he was so upset I had to give him most of his bottle just to calm him before trying the puree. Funnily enough it took the edge off his appetite so he had less than he normally would, really wasn't going to win that one today.

By dinner time (carrot and broccoli today) I think little man had realised that if he screams loud enough I give in to letting him have the bottle first. I'm going to have to be quicker off the mark sorting his meals to stop this one in its tracks, he's been doing so well with solids I'm not letting it all slide now!

I think I'll poach some chicken and mix with barley and veggies tomorrow for him. I've also got an aubergine in the fridge I need to do something with. I've never cooked with aubergine before so a bit of internet research will be required before I attempt it lol.


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