Sirs breakfast today was banana porridge and he had quite a bit of it. I didn't really have anything suitable to give him as finger food so he had a spoon to play with instead. I've also run out of bread as little lady managed to get to the freshly made loaf the other day, picked a hole in the side and ate about half of the bread inside, I was in fits of laughter when I found what she'd done as the loaf looked perfect from the other side!!!
When little man eventually woke up for it, lunch was chicken pasta bake which he ate very happily. Its funny as when pasta is in a meal he will happily eat it, but give him some to feed himself and he won't even touch it. Must be a texture thing?
Dinner was eventful due to Morgan's little protest over going back to bed! He was happily eating lamb stew then suddenly started to get a little upset and refused more stew. I thought he'd had enough so started him on custard with apple and pear. He had a few mouthfuls then just screamed till he fell asleep in his daddys arms, was heartbreaking yet very sweet to see.
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