Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Day 89

Well, last night my beautiful boy seemed to turn a corner with this virus. He slept from 8pm till 7am with just 2 wake ups for bottles and no extended screaming fits. Bliss! He woke for the first bottle about 11pm but it took half an hour before he would wake up and actually drink it, I think we'll reintroduce the dream feed and see if it helps. Second wake up was about 4am and he was ready for a bottle so there was no fussing and he went straight back to sleep.

His appetite is returning too. Morgan ate half a weetabix for brekkie and he seemed to really enjoy it for the first time in days. His lunch was salmon, sweet potato and spinach and amazingly he cleared the bowl then ate half a fruit pot, after all that he was a happy boy and spent the next few hours playing peek a boo and ripping up catalogues lol.

His dinner was lamb roast and while he did fuss over it, he ate 2 thirds of it. I didn't expect that as he'd had such a good lunch. He ate all his chocolate semolina though and still seemed hungry so scoffed a bourbon biscuit too.

Fingers crossed his recovery will continue, he's really suffered with this virus and it's about time it left him alone.


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