Monday, 16 April 2012

Day 88

I feel like a horrid, awful mummy. Poor little man kept waking up screaming till 1am and would only settle in my arms. The second I tried to put him down, no matter how asleep he was he would start screaming again. I got fed up with this very quickly as I'm so tired and ended up sat up in bed with him in my arms but I couldn't look at him as I was getting cross and needed to tune his screaming out before I lost my temper. Eventually he had some formula and fell asleep till half 6 so he's been tired and cranky again today.

He's done fairly well with food today though. He ate half a weetabix for brekkie and was munching on some toasted banana bread too, though most of it ended up on the floor. He had quite a bit of lamb roast and rice pudding at lunchtime, although he seemed to find eating a chore by the end of it. Dinner was a struggle as he was tired after his nap was disturbed by kids playing outside. He ate some of the chicken and veggies but only when I mixed it with fruit puree. I gave him a bourbon biscuit afterwards, he really enjoyed it but again didn't have much of it.

I really want him to feel better soon, it's awful seeing him like this especially when I cannot do anything to help except keep him dosed on pain relief


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