Monday, 23 April 2012

Day 93

Today I tried little man on banana multi grain porridge, he was unimpressed and even threw in a few little retches between mouthfuls just to make his point. Next time I'll make it a bit thinner I think. 

His lunch was lamb stew, which went down a treat as usual, and he had rice pudding afterwards. He had most of both and didn't kick up any fuss today. For his dinner I gave him chicken sunday lunch along with a few spears of broccoli as fingerfood. Oh the mess! It just goes everywhere and all he does is bite the tops off before discarding the rest. It didn't really help giving my toddler girl some too, she just poked it off her plate onto the floor while bellowing "noooo mummy!", shes never really been one for vegetables...

Dinner was a little more civilised, Morgan had beef stew followed by custard. He had a fair bit of both so hopefully he'll keep up the good sleep pattern he's getting back into.


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