Friday, 13 April 2012

Day 85

Morgan is so poorly it's breaking my heart. He's slept through most of today and refused to eat or drink until 2pm when I managed to get 100ml of formula in him. After that he seemed a little brighter and had a little bit of dinner and some pudding. His dinner was just chicken and veggies, as I was doing some more experimenting with baby food recipes, there was some leftover white sauce I used to mix in with it. I think it helped make the food easier to swallow and fortunatley he liked the taste. Pudding was just a few spoons of apple and blueberry puree. Morgan also sat and had a couple of chips with us while we ate our dinner, he was quite happy having sips of water with it which made me feel a little easier about his food and drink intake for the day. I'm really hoping he feels a bit more himself tomorrow.


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