Thursday, 12 April 2012

Day 84

My poor baby had such an awful night. His eyes have suddenly become so infected and we had to keep bathing them just so he could open them, he's been so upset. His cold seems to have really taken hold overnight so we've kept him dosed up on pain relief. I rang the doctor first thing and despite much sighing and being questioned if my baby boy really does need to see someone today from the receptionist, I managed to get an appointment. The doctor himself was really nice, said Morgan's chest is clear and that he has a persistent upper respiratory infection that will take a while to clear. He's given us drops for conjunctivitis too.

Food wise my baby has done ok today, but again has not had much formula. I'm starting to become quite concerned so tomorrow I'll try to coax some into him by giving him half the bottle before food and the rest afterwards. Hopefully it will help with the constipation too as he doesn't drink a huge amount of water no matter how often it's offered.

I know it's only a cold but I have this tense knot of worry in my chest and only making him better will make it go away.


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