Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Day 95

Well it's been raining all day here so we've just had a lazy day at home rather than venture outside. Lots of drawing (mainly all over the dining table instead of the paper), kids films on tv and making structures from megabloks and letting Morgan smash them up.

Morgan had weetabix for brekkie, I can tell he's feeling much better as he ate almost an entire biscuit! Lunch was a combination of the chicken, potato and veggies and a bit of the cheesy pasta bake mixed together and actually he seemed to really like it this time. I may have to work on the cheesy pasta bake again to make it more to his taste.

I gave little man pork and rice for dinner. I'd forgotten how chunky I'd made it but he didn't seem fazed by it bless him. He must have had about half and I could see him really chewing each mouthful, it served as a reminder to be a bit more gentle with the blender!


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