Sunday, 1 April 2012

Day 73

Tears, snot and tantrums is probably the best way of describing today and it wasn't just the kids lol. It's been one of those days where one of the babies cries and the other joins in. I understand they both feel poorly and are still teething, but it is so frustrating when you manage to calm one down only for the other one to start and once again they are both screaming at you.

Breakfast and lunch were both eventful yet unsuccessful. Each time he had a few spoons of what was on offer then refused any more. We just gave him a bottle both times and it worked, we were just glad his tummy was full and he was happy again.

Morgan ate quite well at dinner time. I gave him salmon, sweet potato and spinach followed by rice pudding and he had about half of each one. It took quite a while and a lot of patience to get it in him as there were regular breaks for hysterics, but we got there in the end.

I can honestly say it was a relief to just put them to bed this eveving. I love them to bits but my ears are ringing and my patience have all but disappeared. It's exhausting looking after 2 poorly children, especially when you're tired and run down yourself :-(


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