Sunday, 8 April 2012

Day 80

Easter Sunday. Always a difficult one for anyone that can't eat dairy and knowing my little ones won't really be able to join in I have made no effort to celebrate the day. I kind of wish I had now but then again dairy and soya free easter eggs aren't cheap!! Next year they'll both be older and I know I'll put more effort in.

Breakfast was half a weetabix and a slice of banana bread. Both of which went down very well. At one point Morgan had a mouthful of cereal and was waving his banana bread around with gusto, that is until it broke in half and fell on the floor. He was so disappointed I thought he was going to cry for a moment but he just picked up the other piece and starting biting chunks of it instead.

I did chicken pasta bake for lunch and remembered to cook a few pieces of pasta for him to hold. It was a total waste of time though as he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, a second later he spat it out again in disgust and refused to touch anymore! Pud was apple and blueberry and a little bit of chocolate (ok so I didn't totally boycot Easter lol) I have an excellent video of his face when the first bit went in as he goes from mildly curious to huge eyed surprise then is madly gumming on the choccie till its gone.

Dinner was lamb roast and rice pud. He had all of both and was still crying with hunger after so I gave him a digestive biscuit to hold. When he'd finished there were little bites all the way around the biccie and he was smiling his little socks off!

I've started to give Morgan some supper before bed, just pear and rice for the moment. He seems really hungry at the moment and I'm hoping it will at least stretch out the time between bottles at night but we shall see.


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