Saturday, 25 February 2012

Day 37

During Morgans night feed he seemed fine, but by the time he woke up at 8am his eyes had started to glue themselves shut!!! Managed to convince the out of hours service to let us see a doctor eventually and he's been prescribed drops for a bacterial eye infection. The goo is at a point it's falling out his eyes and sticking to his cheeks, so gross but all I want to do is kiss his face better, must be a mummy thing!

Hasn't really affected his appetite as the banana porridge was still eaten with indecent enthusiasm lol. Lunch was a little more reserved, he had squash and sweet potato, but still enjoyed it. The winner today though was once again a dinner of baby rice and pear. Tomorrow I'll have to find something else to give him!

He has been sick again today, must be 2-3 times. Seems to be worse after solids so I'll look to gaviscon every bottle he has with food and hope it will stabilse his little tummy.


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