Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day 29

Ooooo its ridiculous how excited I am about offering little man some finger foods lol. I've decided to try broccoli, bit of a strong flavour I know but 'he who dares' and all that lol.

Firstly I should tell you about breakfast!! He had pear and rice today and really liked it, 3 tablespoons later he gave me a crossed eyed 'I'm full mummy' look that made me chuckle. He still had half a bottle though.

Now the exciting bit, broccoli. There's 2 words I never thought I'd use in the same sentence... :-) I gave Morgan a spear of broccoli along with a puree of apple, squash and broccoli. He went wide eyed at the sight of it, grabbed it out of my hand and stuffed it into his little mouth. He had a good chew of it before spitting it out and throwing the leftover bit in his hand at me in disgust, needless to say I had a fit of the giggles after that!! The puree went down much better, I made 4 tablespoons and he had 3 quarters of it. Think I'll go with carrot tomorrow.


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