Sunday, 19 February 2012

Day 31

I made up pear and baby rice for Morgan's breakfast this morning, as there was a lot of juice from the pear I didn't need to use any formula. I'm sure he's not keen on the formula in food as it was the most enthusiasm he has shown over breakfast and he cleared the bowl.

Lunch time was very amusing today. I decided to try sir on potato, so I made up mashed potato and butternut squash, but had to use formula as it was so thick. I also offered him a wedge of cooked and peeled potato as a finger food. He was absolutley repulsed by the potato wedge and spat it out as soon as it reached his mouth lol.  The puree was a little more successful but he still only had a teaspoon before refusing any more. He still seemed hungry but disinterested in his bottle so I made up a pudding of apple, pear and baby rice and he had 5 tablespoons of it, I think that meant I was forgiven for the potato incident lol.

I think I'll leave potato for a few weeks and try banana tomorrow.


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