Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Day 34

We've had a much better day today. Morgan seems to be teething rather than poorly thankfully so I'll try to stop worrying! He had a really good go at his breakfast of apple, pear and baby rice with a splash of formula, he had 2 and a half tablespoons and only 60ml/2oz of his bottle.

For his lunch I gave him sweet potato, swede and broccoli and he loved it. Ate about 2 thirds of the bowl I made up. I decided to give us both a break and not try any new foods today, I don't think I would have coped with him refusing to eat again. I think the couple of days of very little food has taken its toll already as he was a little bit sick after lunch, didn't seem to be his reflux but where he had eaten more than he'd gotten used to, so was bringing up the excess.

He also slept really well this afternoon, I assume it was because his little tummy was full. It has made me think it's time to introduce solids at dinner time. He's always been difficult to settle in the evenings so maybe some food will help him go to bed at a more reasonable time, which will give mummy and daddy our evenings back... oooo what a lovely thought lol


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