Friday, 17 February 2012

Day 23

Breakfast was a total disaster! Sir refused to eat any solids then only had a sip of his bottle before making an almighty fuss and having nothing again for 2 more hours. He then had about half a teaspoon of pear and squash before having his entire bottle so I guess it's progress.

I've also noticed that he has patches of eczema on his elbow creases, backs of his knees, wrists, neck and chin. He had one very small patch about a week ago but it seems he has a new patch every day now and they are very red and angry looking. I have spoken to our gp about it and he confirmed its eczema and told me to keep using the cream I have. I know his solids are probably not the cause of this reaction as I've only given him foods that are unlikely to trigger allergies. I'm wondering if its the new washing powder I'm using, I normally switch between 2 brands so I will have to see.


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