Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Day 41

Once again little man was awake from 2am till 3.30am and was then unsettled for another hour after that. Dropping his dream feed was a mistake as he woke up for a bottle at midnight instead and then we had the 2am ritual to deal with on top. I'm so very, very tired. In fact I'm so tired that at one point I'd had enough of Morgan fussing and told his daddy to "take it away". Oh dear.

I have however, managed to get little man over to nutramigen. He's been a bit fussy with bottles all morning but by the afternoon he seemed to take a more normal amount per feed. His eczema doesn't seem so bad this evening either so maybe we're on to something.

Been difficult to gauge Morgan's appetite today, he's been tired so that would affect his appetite but also the flavour of the new formula in his food may have put him off slightly. He wasn't so enthusiastic over banana porridge today, wasn't really fussed with the carrot, squash and pear puree for lunch or the sweet potato and broccoli he had for dinner. I hope tonight we have a better night and maybe tomorrow his appetite will return too.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Day 40

We've finally had a puke free day! Woo hoo!!!! Hoping that means the gaviscon is working again. I have also woman-ed up and starting changing over his formula today so that may have helped his reflux too I guess. So far we've got to 2 scoops of pepti and 4 scoops of nutramigen (the new formula) and he seems oblivious to the change. Fingers crossed this will work as his eczema is flaring up again today.

Had another awful night with Morgan. He woke up at 2am, again it seemed for a bottle, and he stayed awake for hours refusing to have a bottle. Really not sure what's going on but tonight I'm going to drop his dream feed and see if that makes any difference. We need this to work as mummy and daddy need some well earned sleep young man!!!!

Today was the final day for trying him on rusk and once again he ate a whole one. He really seems to be enjoying breakfast time, I need to have a think on some new things to offer him. I'm finding it a challenge as until he's older I don't want to try him on berries or stone fruits as they can aggravate reflux and a large proportion of baby cereals either contain milk or are aimed at older babies. I need to have a good think.

Little man had a late lunch again today as he fell asleep in the buggy on the way back from the library at 1130 and slept till 2pm. When he did wake up he was very grateful for his sweet potato, broccoli and carrot puree followed by a bottle. I'm convinced he's bored of the veggie purees so I'm going to introduce a couple of new vegetables this week then move him onto things like lentils and butterbeans.

To try and fill sir up at dinner time I gave him his favourite, pear and baby rice! He didn't quite finish the portion but he did really well considering he had a late lunch and dinner at his normal time of 5pm. Still managed to finish off his bottle afterwards though.

Tomorrow I'm not going to try any new foods, I think we need at least a full day to see how he copes with the change of formula.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Day 39

Well today has been much better with little man's reflux, he was only sick once! I admit it was straight into my hand during his dinner, was a gruesome moment lol, but it was because he gagged on a mouthful rather than the reflux. Little man woke up last night for a bottle, or so I thought. He was awake for 2 hours but kept refusing his bottle and eventually fell asleep. He next woke me at 7.15am.

I've given him rusk for brekkie again, he ate an entire rusk today, hungry little man! I gave him half of another rusk to gum on but he wasn't really interested as he was intent on grabbing the spoon instead, messy pup.

Lunch was interesting, I had to go out with our little lady so left daddy with little man, 2 spoons and a bowl of pear, squash and swede. When I got back, Morgan was asleep in his cot having refused point blank to eat and threw an almightly tantrum before passing out. Needless to say he was starving when he woke up and when offered the same food again he ate it all and had most of his bottle.

As his lunch was so late, Morgan didn't want dinner with us at the normal time. When he was hungry again it was coming up for bedtime so I gave him banana porridge, he was about halfway through the bowl when he was sick in my hand, he had a little more but was retching a little so I stopped and just gave him his bottle.

My toddler girl and baby boy have been so sweet today, they keep stopping whatever they're doing to look at each other and start giggling for no apparent reason or I catch them playing peek a boo together. I've had such a lump in my throat watching them.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Day 38

I have to admit, I have wimped out completely over the change of milk and am using his eye infection as an excuse not to start it yet. Once his eyes are clear I think I'll have run out of excuses and will get on with it. Can you tell I don't like change?? I will no doubt kick myself if it all goes well, his eczema clears up and he stops being sick because of the new formula...

I have been brave enough to try Morgan on a rusk today, wheat is one of the allergens I get nervous of because I can't tolerate it. I gave him 3 quarters of a rusk mixed with his formula and handed him the last quarter to hold. He enjoyed gumming on the chunk he had but got bored of it quickly so dropped it. He really enjoyed the mush though, had the entire bowl and wasn't sick after either.

Lunch was carrot, sweet potato and broccoli. He had a good go at the bowl but I think he may be getting bored of pretty much the same foods every day as he took ages to eat it. Going to buy lots of lovely different veggies to try him on. Am considering speeding up the process by giving him a new food a day unless there is an allergy to it in the family. Bit of a cheat I know but I don't want him to lose interest in his food.

I gave him squash and baby rice for dinner, much more enthusiasm for it and he finished the entire portion.

He has been sick 3 times today so we've decided to try 4 sachets of gaviscon a day and see how he copes.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Day 37

During Morgans night feed he seemed fine, but by the time he woke up at 8am his eyes had started to glue themselves shut!!! Managed to convince the out of hours service to let us see a doctor eventually and he's been prescribed drops for a bacterial eye infection. The goo is at a point it's falling out his eyes and sticking to his cheeks, so gross but all I want to do is kiss his face better, must be a mummy thing!

Hasn't really affected his appetite as the banana porridge was still eaten with indecent enthusiasm lol. Lunch was a little more reserved, he had squash and sweet potato, but still enjoyed it. The winner today though was once again a dinner of baby rice and pear. Tomorrow I'll have to find something else to give him!

He has been sick again today, must be 2-3 times. Seems to be worse after solids so I'll look to gaviscon every bottle he has with food and hope it will stabilse his little tummy.

Day 36

Today was the dreaded dietician appointment. Quite why I dread it is anyones guess as when I speak to them I find they're informative and reassuring. Little man is gaining weight well, theres no concerns over his bottles or the weaning process so far and he's developing perfectly well. I mentioned his eczema and she thought he could still be sensitive to his formula so we're going to change him over from aptamil pepti 1 to nutramigen 2 and see if it helps as its meant to be further hydrolysed. I'll do a slow change over starting tomorrow and see how he reacts.

I mentioned his ever present reflux but will need to speak to the gp about it really. He's sick 2 or 3 times a day now but not big amounts really. I need to consider upping his gaviscon and risking constipation again or see if the doctors will prescribe something else to help. I should really try increasing the gaviscon first I suppose, he has 1 sachet in alternate bottles now so I'll  have a think on what to do.

We have an anniversary dinner to go to tonight which is 70 miles away and starts at dd's bedtime. I'm a little nervous but will stick to my babies normal routine for meals and just keep them up later. If they want something to eat with us thats fine but at least I won't be worried if they choose not to.

Banana porridge seems to be a big hit, Morgan had quite a bit of it before opting for his bottle. I get a feeling he will enjoy instant porridge with any fruit just as much.

Lunch was squash, broccoli and sweet potato. I can't wait to have a few more options to give him as I'm getting bored of offering the same thing every day! He doesn't seem fazed though, really enjoyed his lunch and ate about half of it.

Dinner was pear and baby rice again and he ate all of it, seems it is his current favourite bless him.

The anniversay dinner was brilliant, both my babies coped so well with being up so late and slept all the way home. They never ate a thing, which was to be expected, and no doubt will be tired tomorrow but they had a great time. Having 2 uncles, 1 aunt, 1 set of grandparents and a set of great grandparents to spoil them meant we saw very little of them all evening lol.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Day 35

Ok so the puking thing is getting worse. He was sick after lunch and a little after dinner, cannot wait for the reflux to settle down again! If he carries on like this for much longer I'm going back to the doctors for more medicine or a paediactrician referral.

Decided to try a banana porridge for sirs breakfast this morning, he seemed to really enjoy it. Really confirmed for me that its the texture of banana he dislikes and not the flavour as there was banana flakes instead of puree in the oats.

I went with his favourites for lunch, sweet potato, squash and swede (made a very orange puree I can tell you lol) and he ate quite a bit. I left out the finger foods as he was a little hungry and creating a huge fuss, he was happy to have a go at feeding himself with a spoon instead, oh it was sooooo messy. Was quite funny really as I'm not really fussed by the mess as it can be wiped up no problem, daddy however really can't stand the mess and hovers over us with a cloth in one hand and wet wipes in the other!!

Today I've introduced dinner too, thought I'd keep it simple and familiar to start with so he had pear and baby rice with a bit of formula mixed it. He was a very happy boy sat eating dinner with us, was the biggest meal he'd eaten all day so its no surprise really that he threw up all down my trousers. Lovely...

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Day 34

We've had a much better day today. Morgan seems to be teething rather than poorly thankfully so I'll try to stop worrying! He had a really good go at his breakfast of apple, pear and baby rice with a splash of formula, he had 2 and a half tablespoons and only 60ml/2oz of his bottle.

For his lunch I gave him sweet potato, swede and broccoli and he loved it. Ate about 2 thirds of the bowl I made up. I decided to give us both a break and not try any new foods today, I don't think I would have coped with him refusing to eat again. I think the couple of days of very little food has taken its toll already as he was a little bit sick after lunch, didn't seem to be his reflux but where he had eaten more than he'd gotten used to, so was bringing up the excess.

He also slept really well this afternoon, I assume it was because his little tummy was full. It has made me think it's time to introduce solids at dinner time. He's always been difficult to settle in the evenings so maybe some food will help him go to bed at a more reasonable time, which will give mummy and daddy our evenings back... oooo what a lovely thought lol

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Day 33

Rang the doctor this morning, have to wait 2 days for an appointment as they are short staffed. Morgan has no temperature so I will leave it for now and take him to the drop in centre if necessary. May be he's just teething as his gums are lumpy, he's dribbling and biting anything he can get hold of.

His appetite still isn't great but then I seem to be finding all the foods he doesn't like!

Breakfast was apple and baby rice, he barely touched it and had maybe half his bottle. I get the impression he's not too keen on apple but will have it mixed with other things.

Lunch was an utter disaster. Ended up both Morgan and myself were covered in formula, puree and tears. Both of us were tired and hungry, add in a poorly and clingy toddler and I can honestly say it wasn't my finest hour. I'd had enough by then so I put them both down and gave myself a few minutes to compose myself before carrying on. Once Naya had her lunch in front of her she calmed down. Turned out Morgan does not like peas, so the pea, sweet potato and pear puree was a no no!

I've also had to start a food diary today for Morgan as he has his first dietician appointment coming up very soon. I've never felt comfortable doing them, it's like an admission of failure in myself, a ridiculous idea know!!!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Day 32

So I tried sir on banana puree for brekkie and he was unimpressed, seemed to like the flavour but not the texture. I tried several spoons but each time he would smile at the taste but spit it out rather than swallow it. I tried diluting it down with 4 grain porridge and formula but he really wasn't interested.

Lunch was a little more successful though he didn't eat much, just a tablespoon of sweet potato, squash and broccoli.

He's been tearful today and his sister has an ear infection so I think I'll get him checked over tomorrow just to be on the safe side, last time he had an ear infection he ended up with a perforated ear drum. I'd rather be seen as a little paranoid than have that happen again.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Day 31

I made up pear and baby rice for Morgan's breakfast this morning, as there was a lot of juice from the pear I didn't need to use any formula. I'm sure he's not keen on the formula in food as it was the most enthusiasm he has shown over breakfast and he cleared the bowl.

Lunch time was very amusing today. I decided to try sir on potato, so I made up mashed potato and butternut squash, but had to use formula as it was so thick. I also offered him a wedge of cooked and peeled potato as a finger food. He was absolutley repulsed by the potato wedge and spat it out as soon as it reached his mouth lol.  The puree was a little more successful but he still only had a teaspoon before refusing any more. He still seemed hungry but disinterested in his bottle so I made up a pudding of apple, pear and baby rice and he had 5 tablespoons of it, I think that meant I was forgiven for the potato incident lol.

I think I'll leave potato for a few weeks and try banana tomorrow.

Day 30

Having re washed all of Morgans clothes in a different washing powder, his eczema seems to be less angry looking, what a relief. It still looks sore and behind his knees he has quite large areas of it but at least it seems to be easing now. The patches under his chin and on his neck are flaring up again but I think its because he's teething and won't stop dribbling.

This morning I gave him 4 grain porridge which he was really quite excited about, bless him. He ate about 2 tablespoons of it and drained his bottle afterwards.

For lunch I boiled 2 carrot sticks for him and made up broccoli, carrot and pear puree. He had not long woken up from a 3 hour nap (a first for him as 45mins to an hour is normal) so he was very hungry! It was also the first time I can honestly say he seemed to grasp what he's meant to do, as when he felt the spoon on his lip he opened his mouth and there was very little mess made for once. He ate about 4-5 tablespoons of the puree and was desperate to eat the carrot sticks, he's not quite got to grips with bite, chew and swallow yet, more of a bite, chew and spit it out thing going on lol.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day 30

Bit of a rough day with Morgan today, he has been sick after most feeds and most of it was in my hair...

He was offered breakfast but wasn't really interested so just had a bottle which he did finish.

Lunch was much better, he had apple, broccoli and carrot and ate 2 tablespoons of it. I also gave him 2 cooked carrot sticks to try, the first one he made a great game of squeezing in his hand till it fell apart much to his amusement. The second one he took 2 bites of, gave it a good chew and spat it out, I was really impressed bless him.

Day 29

Ooooo its ridiculous how excited I am about offering little man some finger foods lol. I've decided to try broccoli, bit of a strong flavour I know but 'he who dares' and all that lol.

Firstly I should tell you about breakfast!! He had pear and rice today and really liked it, 3 tablespoons later he gave me a crossed eyed 'I'm full mummy' look that made me chuckle. He still had half a bottle though.

Now the exciting bit, broccoli. There's 2 words I never thought I'd use in the same sentence... :-) I gave Morgan a spear of broccoli along with a puree of apple, squash and broccoli. He went wide eyed at the sight of it, grabbed it out of my hand and stuffed it into his little mouth. He had a good chew of it before spitting it out and throwing the leftover bit in his hand at me in disgust, needless to say I had a fit of the giggles after that!! The puree went down much better, I made 4 tablespoons and he had 3 quarters of it. Think I'll go with carrot tomorrow.

Day 28

I mixed apple in his porridge this morning and he really enjoyed it, must have had 2 tablespoons of it, result! He had less of his bottle too so things seem to be heading in the right direction.

Morgan wasn't quite so enthusiastic over sweet potato and squash but he had eaten breakfast so I imagine he wasn't quite so hungry as normal. Had a good go at it though and cleared 1 and a half tablespoons.

He is 6 months old tomorrow so I'm going to offer some finger foods with his puree and see how he reacts, I'm really looking forward to it.

Day 27

Breakfast was a bit of a non starter this morning, he seemed interested in having the 4 grain porridge but only had about a teaspoon before refusing any more, he did finish his bottle though so I have a feeling he was hungry but wanted the comfort and immediate satisfaction of a bottle.

Lunch was much better, decided to give apple a go so he had apple and swede today. I made 3 tablespoons and there was none left. I've started to notice that when there is no formula in the food he eats more. I know the taste is a little gruesome with low allergen formulas so I'll leave it out of his lunch from now on and see what he does.

Day 26

Morgan is still finishing most of his bottles today so tomorrow I'm going to offer breakfast again. I've considered increasing his bottle size, he has 180ml/6oz, but when I tried to up them before the gaviscon couldn't control his reflux and the only choice is to increase the bottles to 240ml/8oz but then he has a shock as the milk comes out the teat faster and he leaves quite a bit of milk. Oh the dilemmas of mummyhood lol.

He did really well with lunch, he had swede and carrot and had 2 tablespoons so his appetite is really starting to improve thankfully.

Day 25

Been slightly distracted from blogging as both babies and me have been poorly and I've realised I've lost a couple of days along the way so going to blog loads now to catch up, here goes!

I haven't offered little man any breakfast today and he's suddenly started to finish most of his bottles again, I'll give him another day and consider giving him breakfast again.

For lunch I've given him sweet potato and carrot, he really liked it and had about 1 and a half tablespoons.

I'd forgotten just how easily weaning can be set back in the early days, I'm much more confident dealing with it this time though as when my little girl went through this I would worry myself silly but this time I just go back a step and start again. I just keep reminding myself that he won't be like this forever and will soon mainly be on solids than milk.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Day 24

Thought I'd give breakfast another try and see what Morgan thinks of it so he's had some baby rice this morning. Can't say he was overly impressed, much more interested in having his bottle though I had to clear his nose first as he couldn't breathe through it. Doing that really put him off eating or drinking anything at all so once again he's gone from 4am to midday before having anything, not liking that so tomorrow I'm just offering just a bottle and will clear his nose long before he has it.

Gave him pear and squash again and he really enjoyed it, had about 2 tablespoons and all his bottle in the end.

Day 23

Breakfast was a total disaster! Sir refused to eat any solids then only had a sip of his bottle before making an almighty fuss and having nothing again for 2 more hours. He then had about half a teaspoon of pear and squash before having his entire bottle so I guess it's progress.

I've also noticed that he has patches of eczema on his elbow creases, backs of his knees, wrists, neck and chin. He had one very small patch about a week ago but it seems he has a new patch every day now and they are very red and angry looking. I have spoken to our gp about it and he confirmed its eczema and told me to keep using the cream I have. I know his solids are probably not the cause of this reaction as I've only given him foods that are unlikely to trigger allergies. I'm wondering if its the new washing powder I'm using, I normally switch between 2 brands so I will have to see.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Day 22

I'm so relieved Morgan is feeling more himself today, he's had a little bit of baby rice for breakfast and had a very small amount of pear and squash for lunch. His appetite is returning slowly so I hope he wants to keep up the solids again tomorrow.

Day 21

Another dreadful day for my poorly boy, he's been utterly miserable and tearful all day. He's barely touched his bottles all day so I've not even tried to give him solids today. I really hope he starts to feel better tomorrow.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Day 20

Oh what a horrid day. Little man has an awful barking cough and a cold, I was worried it was a chest infection so took him to the doctors but his chest is clear so its just a cold. His appetite is down to almost nothing so I've not offered him any solids, I just need him to keep his fluids up so been trying to tempt him with bottles all day with limited success. I really hope this is his worst day.

Day 19

Breakfast went down a treat this morning, I gave Morgan a spoon for him to play with and had to keep prising it out of his mouth so I could feed him. He does make me smile! I gave him the 4 grain porridge with formula again and will look to add fruit to it in a day or 2.

Lunch also went well, butternut squash and pear was gratefully received!!! I had big smiles and a clean bowl afterwards, was a big helping too, 3 tablespoons!

He still isn't himself but at least his appetite has been good today.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Day 18

Little man was a bit less enthusiastic over his lunch today, not sure if he's bored of pear and rice or coming down with something. His big sister has a horrid cold so maybe he's at the start of that??

Going to try butternut squash and pear tomorrow, it was one of his sisters favourites as a baby.

I have today introduced breakfast too as the gap between bottles was getting smaller. Have stuck with 4 grain baby porridge with just formula but he seemed to like it, he seemed more satisfied this morning for some solids so he's been more cheerful.

Day 17

More smiles over his pear and baby rice! Bowl almost finished and bottle went down a treat afterwards. Looking forward to trying him on combinations of solids soon, I think I'll mix a familiar food with a new one and see how he reacts as the 3 days of just one does seem to lengthen the process.

As I mentioned yesterday, we had a 'mummys way' evening and guess what? A certain small person finished his bottle after his bath, hmmmmm... lol.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Day 16

Pear and baby rice has been a complete success, yay! I mixed it with some baby rice and a splash of formula and he's gone mad for it. He did hesitate after the first spoon, bit of a "you sure thats not apple love?" moment I thought, but he soon cleared the 2 tablespoons I'd prepared.

He is a happy little man, as long as you ignore the 60-90 minute meltdowns we've had the last 2 evenings! I think its because his evening routine has been disturbed, he usually has a bottle after his bath but its been delayed the last couple of days so he's refused to feed. Will address this tomorrow evening I think and get him back on track.

Day 15

So I went with apple and little man point blank refused to have more than a spoonful. Not sure if its the flavour or texture thats put him off but he would not let the spoon near his mouth!! Did try some baby rice after but he wouldn't entertain the idea, he probably thought it was still apple, poor child. Think I'll go with pear tomorrow lol.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Day 14

Given hin a last try of swede today before moving on to apple or pear tomorrow, not sure which one yet. He had a good go at it today, had about a tablespoon of it before refusing any more. Didn't really have much of his bottle afterwards but the more I worry the less he has, very hard cycle to break but I'm trying really hard not to fret.

Day 13

Swede doesn't seem to be hitting the mark today and his enthusiasm for bottles is sliding once again. Before I started weaning he was draining his bottles most of the time but now he's taking less and less during the day but will usually have a full bottle during his dream and night feeds. I'm not overly concerned as he seems to be gaining weight and developing normally, it's just a little annoying when he gives me signs he wants a bottle but turns away and spits milk at me when its offered.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day 12

So I offered little man swede today and he really enjoyed it, ate the entire bowl and had half his bottle, much better than yesterdays fiasco. He still isn't himself though, not sure if he's coming down with something or if its just where the reflux has kicked in again.

I've just cooked some peaches for him to try soon, they were half price and once frozen they last about a month so thought why not! Going to cook some apples and some pears ready too as I'm getting bored of root veg so he must be too lol.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Day 11

Oh my, parsnip is really not a good one for my baby boy! He's been bringing up fairly small amounts of sick all day and he's really windy too. He was hysterical at bedtime too and it was a pain cry, whether its his teeth or tummy I'm not sure. I know parnsip doesn't agree with everyone so I'll leave it for a few weeks and try something else tomorrow.

Day 10

Another dose of sweet potato today and he cleared the bowl, seems to be the favourite of the few he's tried so far. He is starting to want his bottle halfway through his food but is ok if I just carry on with the mush.

Going to try parsnip tomorrow.

Day 9

Thought I should give sweet potato another try and little man was all smiles about it lol. He really enjoyed it and kept trying to pull the bowl out of my hand as I wasn't quite fast enough getting the puree into his mouth, cheeky boy! He doesn't seem at all fazed by the changes in texture at the minute, I'm amazed really as babies with reflux tend to sensitive to new textures so I hope he carries on like this.