Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Week 23

Its been an interesting week in my little household. It would seem Morgan has a sensitivity to tomato. I've drastically reduced the amount of tomato he eats and his eczema and reflux have calmed right down thankfully. He's also become more settled at night and less windy, there was a few days he was waking up screaming and pulling his legs up, he only settled if I rested my hand on  his tummy which allowed him to trump loudly and violently eventually. The reduction in tomato has also allowed us to reduce the gaviscon back down and he's poo-ing again! Yay! Never thought I'd be excited over baby poo I have to admit. 

I've managed to finally come up with a non meat dinner that he will eat lol, I made him a lentil and aubergine curry and he really enjoys it. DD won't touch it yet, but one battle at a time. 

The muesli I mentioned last week has been unceremoniously kicked out of the house too, I tried little man again and he threw it up. I suspect its the hazelnuts but difficult to prove it without making him puke again so I'll leave all nuts until he's 1 now.

Meal times in general are becoming more interesting. I find that Morgan will eat better if he can feed himself, so breakfasts are now things like toast, banana bread, dry cereal or mini pancakes just so he can help himself. Naturally I'm sat with him worrying he isn't getting enough and encouraging him along by popping bits of toast, etc, into his mouth, but he is enjoying his bit of independence. I've always made sure his snacks are finger foods so there was no change there but I've had to re think lunches and dinners. Wherever possible, I give him some of what we're eating as finger food and if thats not possible I dish out breadsticks, rice cakes, veggie sticks or whatever I can think of/have in the house. It seems to be working as where sirs interest in food was starting to decline, he's suddenly not phased at being in his highchair and will watch what I'm doing as he seems to know that something interesting is coming his way!!

I'm still waiting for him to cut those teeth I mentioned before, 1 is so close to coming through. I just wish it would hurry up, poor child is suffering enough. I also want him to stop biting me! He seems to cry cos the teeth hurt, so I pick him up and he bites down on my shoulder. He feels better until I yelp and then the tears start again, really is a vicious circle!!!

The rest of the week has been dedicated to the impending house move, I am now dodging around boxes to get through the house and I've barely started. I can see cabin fever kicking in soon, especially once the boxes start to block out the telly/windows/doorways. Oh well, hopefully we'll be going in a couple of weeks. 


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