Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Week 24

Oh the boxes, the boxes the boxes the boxes. I can't go over them, I can't go under them, I'll have to somehow shove them out the way so I can reach the oven/tap/washing machine/toilet then shove them back into place again after. This moving thing will be great once it's over...

But anyway, we've had an amazing week! Morgan has finally cut his 7th tooth and he started to crawl on Saturday. It's been hilarious watching him realise he can get to places all by himself, not quite as funny as seeing my toddler girl realise her little brother is heading her way then frantically scramble up onto the sofa to get away, Morgan tends to laugh his socks off when she does this. I also handed in my resignation at work on Saturday, it was a lovely feeling knowing I don't have to go back. Bit scary walking away but I know its the best thing for all 4 of us given our current circumstances. It's lovely being able to say I'm a stay at home mummy.

On to food anyway. Sir has eaten really well this week. He is starting to refuse purees now in favour of finger foods. Breakfast is still largely pancakes, toast, banana bread, etc, so he can feed himself, but I'm struggling with lunches and dinners. I have a fair bit of stage 2 and 3 purees stashed in the freezer but he doesn't really want them. I'm somewhat distracted with the move that is hopefully happening next week so cannot think of new finger foods for him. I have tried him on some homemade pizza and he really enjoyed it. Chips, peas, strips of chicken and the occasional fishfinger have all been gratefully received by sir so far. I want to make up some little fishcakes, veggie burgers, etc for him but I have neither the time or energy until we move. I've also packed away most of my kitchen equipment so have very little to cook on now anyway! 

For the next week or so I'll have to be creative with his lunches and dinners, maybe use the purees as sandwich fillings or something??


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