Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Week 22

I'm having to change how often I blog, I don't really want to but at the moment I'm struggling to keep it up and I really don't want to stop blogging. I'm falling behind because of the impending move, which with any luck is only 3 weeks away, and we have the entire house to pack. Hard enough to do with a toddler and a baby under your feet but add in a husband that took a full 5 minutes to decide whether or not to keep an ancient secondhand Transformers manual (it's now at the local charity shop!!) and you can imagine what state our home is in... For now I'm going to blog about the high and low lights of our week and hope I manage to get organised enough to blog daily again.

We've had a busy week, we've been to my mums for the day and she encouraged me to try a 10 month plus jar while we were there, Morgan ate virtually all of this mammoth sized jar and didn't seem to notice the larger chunks of veg and pasta that were in it. Bit of a result really, means less work when I make his food at home lol. I've also tried him on my first muesli, which is also 10 months plus. He really loved it and ate all of it the first time he tried it. The next day he had virtually all of it again, but an hour later he was a bit sick. I know his reflux has been flaring up, but I thought we had it back under control. I suspect it may have been the ground hazelnuts in the muesli as its the first time he's had nuts. No signs of an allergy so maybe they are just a little rich for his tummy. I will find the courage to try him again soon and see if he reacts again.  

Sir has also become a cake monster! Any type of cake will do, fairy cakes, marble cake, angel layer cake, chocolate cake, whatever. Just don't offer him a muffin as he'll spit it back at you, as I found out after lovingly baking banana choc chip muffins yesterday lol. 

I've been keeping a closer eye on his eczema too as it has been worse the last week or 2. I think the weather hasn't helped but I've also realised he's having quite a bit of tomato in his diet. Virtually all the jar food I've been giving him on the run has tomato in it and I've started using tinned tomato more in his food. I'm trying really hard to cut it back again, difficult with a freezer full of tomato-ey baby food. I've had to make a few different tomato free batches to try and even things up again. Good news is it seems to be working, his eczema seems a bit calmer since.

Morgan is teething once again. I can see at least 3 teeth just under the gum that he should cut any day now. He's been hysterical with the pain of it, really not sleeping well, bright red and hot cheeks, chewing everything including his own arm and quite bad tempered. Can't say I blame him but it is a nightmare to deal with. I've kept him dosed on pain relief and teething gel. It's not made too much of an impact on his food intake but he does refuse to eat when he's really suffering.

Just to round things off, we've had to up his gaviscon again so he's on 4 sachets a day. The inevitable result is the poor child is constipated on top of everything else. I will reduce the gaviscon down again now as it's just not fair on him.

My poor little boy :-(


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