Saturday, 12 May 2012

Day 114

Teething is the pits!!! Both my babies are teething again, quite how they manage to coordinate it so well is beyond me. Little lady is now chewing soft toys and dressing gown cords to ease the discomfort whereas little man takes a slightly more vocal approach. Screaming seems to be more his cup of tea. The pain of it seems to wake him up for a little scream too, last night he kicked off at 10pm and was inconsolable till the  infant ibuprofen started to work half an hour later. So far this evening I've been in to him 3 times already.

Doesn't seem to have done anything to his appetite mind. He ate all the porridge I gave him this morning and had a munch on a mini pancake too. An hour later he was hungry again so I gave him a biccie and that seemed to do the trick.

Lunch was a jar of spaghetti bolagnase, I thought it would be easier to try a jar first rather than cook a batch as DD hated the stuff lol. Morgan loved it though and had 3 quarters of the jar. He also had all his rice pudding.

Despite all the food he'd already had today, Morgan still had room for an entire bowl of chicken, pasta and  veggies (bit of a pasta overload today but he didn't seem to care), followed by a few spoons of banana custard.

I was pleasantly surprised that Morgan had some of his bedtime bottle again, with any luck he'll keep having it and I can worry about something else.


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